About Oregon Saves Help
Helping Small Business Employees Save For Retirement
Traditional 401(k) plans are too complex, expensive for small businesses: Ted Benna
Oregon saves help.com is an educational and informative resource for OREGON business owners and their employees concerning alternative and potentially advantageous plan designs, investment alternatives, and reduced fees to those offered by OregonSaves. OREGON SavesHelp does not give legal, investment, or tax advice OregonSaveshelp.Com suggests you consult your own advisors for individualized advice. With the arrival of the Oregon mandate that businesses cover all employees, the Owners and employees of Oregon Saves Help noticed that there were very limited investment and tax saving investment options available in the Oregon saves plan design. In consultation with Mr. Ted Benna of Benna401k.com, Oregon Saves Help was established to inform and empower OREGON business owners and consumers of more attractive plan designs and investment alternatives than the very severely limited options offered through OregonSaves.com.
Based on current offerings from OREGON Saves and in consultation with Mr. Ted Benna, Oregon Saves Help now provides complementary information for OREGON business owners To make more informed and potentially suitable choices in how they ultimately design to set up their state-mandated retirement plans to inform Oregon business owners and their employees about options available to them as alternatives to the current OregonSaves.com offerings. The plan designed by Mr. Ted Benna of Benna 401k can be accessed by visiting the links on the plan design page of the Oregon Saveshelp.com website.
Through availing Oregon business owners of potential pre-tax savings options, lower-cost investment options, a potentially more flexible plan design, lower overall plan costs, and ease of administration, it is the hope of Oregon Saves Help that Oregon business owners and their employees will enjoy better overall performance and results from their retirement plans.
Contact Oregon Saves Help Today.
Customer Service:
7300 SW Hunziker Street Suite 200
Portland, OR 97223
Bellevue Office
1400 112th Ave SE, Suite 100
Bellevue, WA 98004
OregonSavesHelp.com is not affiliated with and does not endorse or recommend OregonSaves.com materials or content in any way.OregonSavesHelp.com is an informational and educational website intended for Oregon business owners to inform this audience about alternative and potentially more attractive retirement savings and investment options than those currently available from OregonSaves.com. OregonSavesHelp.com is the sole property of Real Benefits Group, Inc., dba Aliat, located in Tigard, Oregon. Aliat is a Professional Employer Organization or PEO, which provides human resources and business administration services to clients nationally. This site is offered as a public service to inform and educate Oregon Consumers about the upcoming 2019 Oregon Retirement Savings Mandate. OregonSavesHelp.com additionally provides links to retirement plan options offered by Benna401k offers legal consulting services specifically for Oregon Business owners to put them in compliance with the Oregon Mandate while and which also potentially gaining offers numerous advantages to the default OregonSaves offering sponsored by Oregon State Retirement Board. No offer of securities is made nor intended on OregonSavesHelp.com. Neither Real Benefits Group, Inc. nor Aliat provides investment advice. We recommend you consult with your own financial and tax advisor(s) for appropriate investment options suitable to your individual circumstances.
Customer Service:
7300 SW Hunziker Street Suite 200
Portland, OR 97223
Bellevue Office
1400 112th Ave SE, Suite 100
Bellevue, WA 98004
OregonSavesHelp.com is not affiliated with and does not endorse or recommend OregonSaves.com materials or content in any way.OregonSavesHelp.com is an informational and educational website intended for Oregon business owners to inform this audience about alternative and potentially more attractive retirement savings and investment options than those currently available from OregonSaves.com. OregonSavesHelp.com is the sole property of Real Benefits Group, Inc., dba Aliat, located in Tigard, Oregon. Aliat is a Professional Employer Organization or PEO, which provides human resources and business administration services to clients nationally. This site is offered as a public service to inform and educate Oregon Consumers about the upcoming 2019 Oregon Retirement Savings Mandate. OregonSavesHelp.com additionally provides links to retirement plan options offered by Benna401k offers legal consulting services specifically for Oregon Business owners to put them in compliance with the Oregon Mandate while and which also potentially gaining offers numerous advantages to the default OregonSaves offering sponsored by Oregon State Retirement Board. No offer of securities is made nor intended on OregonSavesHelp.com. Neither Real Benefits Group, Inc. nor Aliat provides investment advice. We recommend you consult with your own financial and tax advisor(s) for appropriate investment options suitable to your individual circumstances.